Adult Education

Adult Education

Middle Peninsula Regional Adult and Career Education
(M.P. R.A.C.E.)

To support the local public school systems in fulfilling their mandates and responsibilities to adult learners seeking to acquire the literacy skills and high school certification needed to fulfill their roles as parents, workers, and members of a democratic community. 


Middle Peninsula Regional Adult & Career Education provides instruction to improve adult literacy & basic skills in reading, writing, and math; GED Preparation instruction (for high school equivalency test in Reasoning Through Language Arts & Mathematics, Social Studies, & Science); and English skills acquisition for English Language Learners (ELL). Qualified teachers work with individuals and small classes at local sites throughout the Middle Peninsula of Virginia. Service area includes Essex, Gloucester, King & Queen, King William, Mathews, & Middlesex counties and the Town of West Point. Instruction options include one-on-one tutoring for literacy, small basic skills classes in each county, Distance Learning/Online Instruction, and Fast Track/Accelerated GED Preparation Classes, for qualified adult learners.

Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. also serves as a GED Test Center for area adults. To register for computer-based GED testing visit to select test center from the drop down menu, date of testing, and to make payment for the test. Adults are encouraged to take one to two subject tests at a time. There are two GED testing centers serving Middle Peninsula residents. Testers can select testing center at Aylett, (King William) VA or Gloucester, VA. GED testing is also available at the Middle Peninsula Regional Security Center in Saluda and the Gloucester Jail for current inmates only.

Students must be 18 or older and residing within the Middle Peninsula to be apart of the program. It is a no cost program, with provided resources for the students

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Acquinton Elementary School
18550 King William Road
King William, VA  23086

Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday

Phone Number:
Fax Number:
[email protected]


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